Internet Explorer/Chrome Page Cannot Be Displayed Error (FIXED)

[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″ shape_divider_position=”bottom”][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid”][vc_column_text]How To Fix Page Cannot Be Displayed Error In IE/Chrome, we all face this error “page can not be displayed” from time to time in all the browsers despite having a steady internet connection. Well, do not worry we have the fix for the error “page cannot be displayed”. Try the methods given below to fix the “page cannot be displayed” error.

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Page Cannot Be Displayed Error

For Internet Explorer: 

Method 1:

The first technique implies disabling Enhanced Protected Mode feature. This is a new feature available in Internet Explorer 10. If you handicap this feature on your system it will trade-off the security a bit but it improves the browsing history. Let us try the first method –

Step – 1

First, open Internet Explorer (IE).

Then find the gear icon which is located at the top right corner of the Internet Explorer window.

Click on the gear Icon & and you get a drop-down menu

On that drop down menu click on the option that says “Internet options.”

internet explorer setting | fix Page Cannot Be Displayed error | techyuga

Step – 2

After clicking on the  “Internet Option” option you will land in a separate window.

On that window, you will find the tab called “Advanced” click on that.

IE 10 advanced option

Step – 3

Scroll down through “Advanced” tab menu & find the checkbox with the option Enable Enhanced Protected Mode. You will find that box is checked you will have to uncheck that checkbox.

After that hit Apply button & then OK button.

Enhanced Protected Mode

After this restart Internet Explorer, you will find that “Page Cannot Be Displayed” has been fixed.

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Method 2:

The next technique to solve Page Cannot Be Displayed issue involves resetting the Internet Explorer,  follow the steps given below

Click on the gear icon on the top right side of the INTERNET EXPLORER

Then click on “Internet Options” in the drop-down menu.

Then after that click on the Advanced tab.

After that click on the button called Reset you will find that button in the below on the window.

After clicking the reset button confirm the action by clicking on apply and then restart the Internet Explorer.

advanced option reset button

Page Cannot Be Displayed issue with IE will be solved after this.  If not, you can get help from our technical experts by starting a live chat instantly.

Google Chrome:

Step – 1

Open control panel or you can press window button+ R to open the run box and type in control panel in the run box.

Run dialogue Box

Step 2

After it opens up type firewall in control panel search which is located on the top right corner of the Control Panel Window 

When the search results start to come up then select the option Allow a program through Windows Firewall, click on that option.

Allow a program through Windows Fiewall

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Step 3

Now click on the button located on the top-right corner of the window which says change settings.

windows firewall | fix Page Cannot Be Displayed error | techyuga

Now scroll down you will find an option which should say google chrome or Chrome Browser, Check the checkboxes corresponding to the Chrome entry.

Learn Tips and Tricks To Increase Google Chrome’s Productivity 

 entry for Chrome Browser

Step 4

It is possible to add another program as well to pass through the firewall, for that click on the button that says  Allow another program, select the program from the list, once you are done hit the add button. In this case, I have chosen Internet Explorer – 

 Allow another program

Now restart the Google Chrome and you will notice “Page Cannot Be Displayed” has been fixed. If the problem has not been resolved yet, you can get immediate support by starting a live chat with one of our technical expert or by creating a support ticket right now.

Now Read:

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Sources: MicrosoftGoogle


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